Pacelab for Players

PaceLab Bespoke Pro

The PaceLab Bespoke Pro Fast Bowling Coaching is a premium coaching programme designed specifically for fast bowlers looking to take their speed, bowling robustness and longevity to the next level. We focus on improving players’ skills and performance through strength and conditioning sessions and bowling-specific workouts in the programme. Our current Bespoke players have all made outstanding fast-bowling progress. So why not join them and the PaceLab Fast Bowling revolution? There are a number of diIerent options available for the PaceLab Bespoke Programme. We put you in the driving seat of your fast bowling future; this programme is player-centred and requires you to fully buy into the programme to see maximum results.

PaceLab Bespoke Pro Platinum (UK)

What do you get? (£180+VAT Monthly)

  • 1-1 Initial Assessment ((£500+VAT+Expenses) - You will attend a live session with Steffan Jones, where you will receive a full 2-hour fast Bowling Assessment. This will include:
    • Technical Analysis - Receive an AI Created PitchWolf Bowling Technique
      Assessment (The most advanced and in depth analysis available on the
      market. See how you compare to other bowlers your age, or to seasoned
      IPL players.
    • Tactical - Utilising Ludimos’ Accuracy Assessment we can see how
      accurate you are.
    • Physical - Upper and Lower Body Strength and Power Assessment using
      the latest measuring equipment.
    • Bowling Velocity - 156g ball + Weighted Ball OU Bowling Speeds using
      Pocket Radar
    • 1080 Sprint Bowling Waveform - 1080 Sprint Bowling Waveform Profiling
      (Only one used in Cricket) is one of the greatest training tools on the
      market and allows us to
    • Neurotyping Assessment - Learn how your brain works and what training
      method will be most effective for you.
  • Live 90-Minute In-Person Progress Sessions (4 Minimum per Year spread across the year In specific UK training windows) (£150+VAT+Expenses per session)
  • Full Fast Bowling Year-Round Programme creation - PaceLab uses both Ludimos and VoltAthletics to give you access to the latest Fast Bowling technology and management software available on the market.
  • Early Access to the PaceLab Workload App - Become an exclusive user of the PaceLab Workload Management App so you can truly manage your first bowling load like a professional.
  • Around-the-clock accountability and support from the PaceLab Team.
  • Weekly Training scheduled and adjusted around you and your commitments to ensure you are in peak condition.
  • Access toWorkload Managem
  • WhatsApp Access to Steffan Jones as often as necessary.
  • 30 Minute Dedicated 1-1 Monthly Video Call with Steffan Jones.
  • Nutrition Support and Guidance
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PaceLab Bespoke Pro Gold

What do you get? (£500 sign-up fee, £180 Monthly)

  • Initial 1-1 Online Consultation with Steffan Jones – The purpose of the initial consultation is to introduce the programme, explain how everything works and help get you up and running with all the systems. This will take place Online. Additionally, this is also an excellent opportunity to ask any questions about the programmes that you may have. You will be asked to complete the following tasks prior to the consultation so that Steffan can go through your planned intervention on the call.
    • Technical - PitchWolf Bowling Technique Assessment.
    • Tactical - Ludimos Accuracy Assessment
    • Physical - Upper and Lower Body Strength and Power Assessment (Force Decks or Medicine Ball)
    • Bowling Velocity - Regular + Weighted Ball OU Bowling Speeds (Ludimos or Pocket Radar)
    • Neurotyping Assessment
  • Full Fast Bowling Year-Round Programme creation and uploaded onto the PaceLab S&C Volt App.
  • Around-the-clock accountability and support from the PaceLab Team via WhatsApp
  • Weekly Training is scheduled and adjusted around you and your commitments to ensure you are in peak condition.
  • WhatsApp Check-ins with Steffan Jones as often as necessary.
  • 30-Minute Dedicated Phasely Online Call with Steffan Jones.
  • Nutrition Support and Guidance
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Pacelab Peak to Perform and Bespoke Silver

The PaceLab Bespoke Silver and PaceLab Peak to Perform programmes sit below on the second tier of our Remote options for fast bowlers. These programmes are overseen and designed by the PaceLab Team under the supervision of PaceLab CEO Steffan Jones.

PaceLab Bespoke Silver

The PaceLab Bespoke and PaceLab Peak to Perform Programme sit a tier below on our Remote Coaching Hierarchy. These programmes are overseen and designed by the PaceLab Team under the supervision of PaceLab CEO Steffan Jones.

What do you get? (£399+VAT sign-up fee, £79+VAT Monthly)

  • Initial 30-minute 1-2 Online Consultation with Steffan Jones and a member of the PaceLab Team – The purpose of the initial consultation is to introduce the programme, explain how everything works and help get you up and running with all the systems. This will take place Online. Additionally, this is also an excellent opportunity to ask any questions about the programmes that you may have. You will be asked to complete the following tasks prior to the consultation. Steffan will make recommendations, and the other PaceLab Coaches job will be to implement and monitor these.
    • Technical - Full Fast Bowling Technical Analysis provided in PDF (Side on and Rear Video Required)
    • Tactical - Ludimos Accuracy Assessment
    • Physical - Upper and Lower Body Strength and Power Assessment (Force Decks or Medicine Ball)
    • Bowling Velocity - Regular + Weighted Ball OU Bowling Speeds (Ludimos or Pocket Radar)
    • Neurotyping Assessment - Optional.
  • Full Fast Bowling Year-Round Programme creation by Steffan Jones
  • Around-the-clock accountability and support from your dedicated PaceLab Coach via the Volt App.
  • Weekly Training is scheduled and adjusted around you and your commitments to ensure you are in peak condition via the Volt App.
  • Monthly 1-1 Video Call with your PaceLab Coach (Steban will be in on these biannually)
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PaceLab Bespoke Peak to Perform

What do you get? (£400 tax Inclusive sign-up fee, £99 tax inclusive monthly

fee for 6-months only. The programme will run for six months from the start date.. Next Start Date May 2025

  • Optional Technical Assessment (£79.99+VAT) - Full Fast Bowling Technical Analysis provided in PDF (Side on and Rear Video Required. Can be reviewable phasely).
  • Full Off Season 24 Week Programme created by Steffan Jones.
  • You decide how many sessions you can commit to in the gym weekly.
  • Programme factors are dependent on age, Training Age, and Access to equipment.
  • AI Programme adjustment for weights and reps dependent on RPE.
  • 20 Minute Optional (£79.99+VAT) - 1-1 Video Call with a member of the PaceLab Team phase to discuss changes to the programme.
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Contact form- Players 06/08/2024

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